Timeline: October 2019 - December 2019

Role: Developer

Technologies used: Gatsby, GraphQL, Redux, Node.js, Puppeteer

Organization: Pace Creative Group

Client: Becton, Dickinson and Company


BD, a global medical technology company, wanted an assessment tool that allowed them to evaluate potential hazardous drug surface contamination in order to provide a summary report for their patients.


Following the design phase, I came up with deleveopment plans about timelines, logic calculations, algorithms, and technology stacks. Gatsby was my choice as the major framework for front-end development.

The difficulties when developing this application came from logic calculation and data handling. Through research, I was able to tackle those issues, and the application was ready to be delivered in December 2019.

Learning Outcomes

This project was interesting in the way that it gave me the opportunity to learn, practice, and master new tools such as GraphQL, Lodash and Puppeteer.

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